
Surya Maintains Momentum with Sanibel Rug Collection

Surya Maintains Momentum with Sanibel Rug Collection

CALHOUN, GA - On the heels of its recent Best of Houzz 2015 award, Georgia-based Surya is maintaining its momentum with the Sanibel Rug Collection (SNB).

Constructed of polypropylene, viscose and polyester, the Sanibel outdoor rug collection introduces an artisanal, handcrafted aesthetic for outdoor rugs. The yarn is pre-braided and carefully sewn to form an overscaled floral pattern with a hand crocheted look, making the rugs ideal for layering. Available in seven colors, this innovative and durable collection artfully merges design with practicality to infuse outdoor living spaces with relaxed style.

Just last month, Houzz, the online home remodeling and design platform, honored Surya with a Best Of Houzz 2015 award in the Design category. It marked the second consecutive year that the home accessories brand had received this distinction.

Surya was once again awarded a Best Of Houzz designation because images showcased in the brand’s Surya Spaces project, which includes design projects incorporating Surya products, were among the images most frequently clicked on and added to a Houzz idea book during 2014.

“We are excited that so many Houzz users have been inspired by projects featuring Surya accessories,” said Satya Tiwari, president, Surya. “At Surya, we strive each and every day to provide highly relevant, fashion forward products that elevate to the next level what’s possible in design. We know that designers have a choice when selecting accessories for their home decor projects and appreciate that they continue to choose our products and share their design creations on Houzz.”